True Prosperity Stag DA Men’s Meeting
Open D.A. meeting #7952Meeting focus: Literature Study, SpeakerHybrid meeting: Face-to-face, Video*Hybrid meeting: 2 ways to participatePrimary language: English
Face-to-face venue
SHARE CENTER (Self-Help And Recovery Exchange)
6666 Green Valley CircleCulver City CA 90230 US
08:00 pm to 09:15 pm
Local time
Video venue
Video originates in CA US
(08:00 pm to 09:15 pm local time)
Pacific Time (US/CAN) timezone
Video platform: ZOOM
Link (click to connect):
Meeting ID: 885-5546-0488
Password: sharelove
Email for information:
This is a men's DA meeting. The first two weeks of the month the group has a speaker. For the remainder of the month, the group reads from the book: 12 Steps & 12 Traditions & 12 Concepts of DA Recovery.
Information last updated September 24 2024