2018 Fellowship Day Speakers
These recordings feature D.A. recovery shares. All sessions were recorded on Saturday, August 4, 2018 at Fellowship Day during the 2018 World Service Conference (WSC) in Bloomington, Minnesota. The 2018 Fellowship Day theme was “Transformation and Strength — The Steps.” All topics, speakers, and recordings were organized locally by the 2018 Host Committee delegated by the D.A. Minnesota Intergroup.
Speaker shares are not intended to be statements of D.A. policy, nor does publication constitute or imply endorsement by D.A. as a whole or the D.A General Service Board.
These podcasts are solely created by volunteers and made freely available to the Fellowship. Please consider making a contribution to support D.A.
Keynote Speakers
Gala Dinner Keynote (Speaker: Sharon S.)
More 2018 Fellowship Day recordings will be available soon. The D.A. General Service Board is in the process of gathering signed release forms from the 2018 speakers to be able to publish their shares on the website. If you were a speaker on 2018 Fellowship Day, please reach out to communications@debtorsanoymous.org