Literature is an important feature of the D.A. program. We publish books and pamphlets on a variety of D.A. subjects — all of which have gone through an approval process by meeting delegates voting at our annual World Service Conference. There is also the official D.A. magazine with recovery stories and a world service newsletter. Here is a list of the literature available for you to access.
1. Order D.A. literature through the General Service Office
Use the Literature Order Form to place an order with the General Service Office (GSO). This catalog offers Conference-approved literature, audiovisual, and service-related materials that carry the message of Debtors Anonymous.
2. Order D.A. literature online
We sell literature through a third party vendor online as e-books or print-on-demand (POD), which can be especially convenient for D.A. meetings outside of the U.S.
3. Read the current and past issues of the D.A. magazine and world service newsletter
Ways & Means and The DA Focus are quarterly publications of D.A. available to download and distribute. Print issues, give to newcomers, and read aloud at meetings.
4. Download literature
Downloadable literature is available from the website, including pamphlets on the topics of Anonymity, Sponsorship, Service, and more.
5. Download manuals, formats, and readings for your meeting
There is also free literature available at the meeting resources link, which includes manuals, formats, and Conference-approved statements.
6. Read free recovery stories on the D.A. website
Inspirational reading to help you in your journey to solvency.
What is Conference-Approved Literature?
At the annual D.A. World Service Conference, delegates (elected by local meetings and Intergroups) vote on motions including the approval of literature. When literature is Conference-approved, this means it represents the largest group conscience on behalf of the entire Fellowship of Debtors Anonymous.