Weekend Jumpstart Literature Study
Open D.A. meeting #1424Meeting focus: Literature StudyDual venue: Face-to-face, VideoPrimary language: English
Face-to-face venue
Woodland Hills Presbyterian Church
5751 Platt AveWoodland Hills CA 91367 US
07:30 am to 08:30 am
Local time
Video venue
Video originates in Woodland Hills US
(07:30 am to 08:30 am local time)
Pacific Time (US/CAN) timezone
Video platform: ZOOM
Link (click to connect): https://zoom.us/j/96977139646?pwd=OEpDOU1IVWV0QzRnUXYzUzBzQyt4QT09
Meeting ID: 969 7713 9646
Password: 321903
This group has two meetings, one virtual and one in-person, meeting simultaneously but separately on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sat of the month. On the 1st Sat of the month both meetings are hybrid. The group holds its business meeting after the regular meeting on the 1st Sat. of the month.
The in-person group meeting is held in the Fireside Room.
Information last updated September 17 2024