Online Registration

Fellowship Day at the World Service Conference of Debtors Anonymous

Brookstreet Hotel and Conference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Saturday, August 10, 2024
If you would like to pay for Fellowship Day in Canadian dollars, please click here:
To pay in US dollars, please continue here:

Fellowship day cost is $15.00.
To attend the Gala Dinner, the cost is $64.00.
To attend the Saturday lunch, the cost is $40.50

  Add Gala Dinner (+$64.00)
  Add Saturday Lunch (+$40.50)
  Check if you are a member of DebtAnon


Total cost: $

*Note: a 3% convenience fee has been added to all charges.

*Indicates field is required

(*The Secure Payment Form says “Credit Card”. This is a reminder that we encourage you to use a debit card, in accordance with D.A. principles.)