Fellowship Wide Call: Safety in Debtors Anonymous
A joint presentation by the Underserved and Underrepresented Outreach Committee (UUOC) and the WSC Literature Committee (Litcom): addressing issues of disruptive behavior, individual harassment, and all forms of discrimination. A fellowship-wide call with shares outlining best practices on how difficult situations have been handled at meetings and within the fellowship. Spotlight on the DA Safety
SSEC Fellowship Wide Call
The Debtors Anonymous Spiritually Sustainable Earning Caucus presents A Fellowship-Wide Call on OPENING TO NEW SOURCES OF INCOME Three speakers will share their experience, strength, and hope, and there will be time for open sharing Saturday, June 10, 2023 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m EDT 10:00 a.m.–11:30 p.m. PDT 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. BST Call-in number: +1-605-472-5540 Access code: 617093# International
2023 D.A. World Service Conference Pre-Conference Orientation Call
The 2023 GSB Conference Support Committee (CSC) invites all first-time General Service Representatives (GSRs) and Intergroup Service Representatives (ISRs); returning GSRs and ISRs; GSB Trustees; and members of the D.A. Fellowship to participate in this upcoming 2023 Pre-Conference Orientation Call. *Note this call will be repeated July 16, 2023. Time: 11:00 am-12:30 pm Pacific /
Hospitals, Institutions, and Prisons (HIP) Awareness Day Challenge!
July 9th, 2023 Hospitals, Institutions, and Prisons (HIP) Awareness Day Challenge! Each DA meeting to reach out to one Hospital, Institution, or Prison! Use the HIP Toolkit on the DA Webpage as a resource: https://debtorsanonymous.org/download/hip-starter-kit-2022/?wpdmdl=68386&refresh=64a722f9ea8151688675065 Have questions? Contact Robin S at 612-759-8592 or robin8245schuetze@gmail.com
Ask the GSB Phone Forum on D.A.’s Finances
Ask the General Service Board Phone Forum The Long-Range Planning Committee of the General Service Board hosts two phone forums during the 2022-2023 World Service Conference year to provide an opportunity to learn about and ask questions about D.A. “Ask the GSB” phone forum on D.A.’s Finances" Saturday, July 15, 2023, 1:00-2:00 pm Eastern Time
“World Service Opportunities: Beyond GSR”
The Nominations, Procedures and Long Range Planning Committee of Debtors Anonymous presents a Zoom Webinar: “World Service Opportunities: Beyond GSR” 9:00-10:30 AM PDT / 12:00-1:30 PM EDT / 16:00-17:30 PM UTC. Zoom Webinar Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84170489193?pwd=Uzg1amVZYnM3R1dvUWhrYzNzRkl0UT09 Zoom Webinar ID: 841 7048 9193 / Passcode: 961337
Re-Register Your Group
All Groups must re-register between the dates of October 25th and December 31st, 2023, in order to be eligible to vote in Fellowship-Wide Ballots in 2024!
BDA Community – What Is Going On?
BDA Community – What is going on? Let’s talk about BDA and what topics would help your business unity with DA principles. • Update on activities of the WSC BDA committee in 2022-2024. • Would you like the committee to host a Fellowship-Wide call on a particular BDA topic? • Applying the Concepts to your
DA Votes 2024
Ballot on whether to change the Steps and Traditions (1) to make God gender-neutral, and (2) to add new forms of media to Tradition 11. The Ballot will run from Feb 9 to May 10, 2024. All groups registered at the end of 2023 will receive a Ballot to vote. More information available here: https://debtorsanonymous.org/fellowship-votes-2024/
D.A.'s WSC Public Information Committee presents the following Webinar. How Should Members of DA interact with the Media? Come and find out in this informative Webinar! This presentation utilizes the traditions and criteria to provide guidelines for media interviews, requests, and written materials. Saturday, February 10, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am PDT 12:30pm – 1:30pm
The Calendar of Events shows information about events related to world service in Debtors Anonymous, such as Fellowship-wide Calls and the annual World Service Conference. For event flyers, please visit:
Information on regional events is available through the links to Regional Intergroup websites which can be found here: Find a Regional DA Intergroup
The General Service Board (GSB) and the General Service Office (GSO) of Debtors Anonymous provide this link to facilitate information about local D.A. activities. Our link to this or any other site, other than the D.A. website, debtorsanonymous.org, does not constitute or indicate any review, endorsement, or approval by the D.A. GSB, D.A. GSO, nor any entity within the D.A. community.