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7 Figures With Ease

Open BDA meeting #7798
Meeting focus: Speaker, BDA, Other, DA/BDA/UA
Primary language: English

Face-to-face venue

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Community Room at the 3rd St. Farmer's Market

6333 W. 3rd St.
Los Angeles CA 90036 US

01:30 pm to 02:30 pm

Local time

Accessibility: Other (Specify)

This is an open, English language meeting of Debtors Anonymous, also focusing on issues relating to Underearning and BDA. The meeting has a speaker every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.

Recovery CTA text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec auctor eros, sed suscipit eros. Nulla porttitor nisi ac hendrerit finibus. Duis dapibus lacus sit amet porttitor porta. Nulla facilisi.


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