DA Clear Away!
Open D.A. meeting #1374Meeting focus: Other, Staying Solvent with Chaos & Disorganization challenges. This D.A. Clear Away meeting focuses on compulsive debtors with symptoms of clutter, disorganization, procrastination, and terminal vagueness who are finding solvency, clarity, serenity and contented lives through working D.A.'s 12 steps with a sponsor. An 11th Step based Guided Meditation is shared weekly except for the first Friday of the month. During these centering meditations, we begin to connect with a Power Greater Than Ourselves as a solution to all of our problems. As we become open to receiving spiritual guidance, we receive visions for our recovery. On the first Friday of the month, guest speakers share what their lives were like before recovery, what happened, and what their lives are like now. After the meditation, guest speaker and business meeting there is 30 minutes of time for open sharing. Phone number exchange, newcomer time and post-meeting fellowship take place after the regular meeting.Primary language: English
Telephone venue
Phone originates in New York USA
(10:00 pm to 11:30 pm local time)
Eastern Time (US/CAN) timezone
Dialup number: (+1) 857-357-0294
Access code: 737343#