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Open D.A. meeting #7854
Meeting focus: Literature Study, Speaker, Steps, Tools, Newcomer
Primary language: Portuguese

Video venue

Video originates in Brazil

(06:30 pm to 08:30 pm local time)
Brazil Time timezone

Click for a timezone converter

Video platform: ZOOM
Link (click to connect):
Meeting ID: 5658911920
Password: 999789
Email for information:

Este é um encontro aberto, em língua portuguesa, com foco no estudo do Livro e nos Doze Passos e 12 Ferramentas dos Devedores Anônimos.
Este grupo tem cinco encontros distintos: no WhatsApp às terças, quartas e domingos e no Zoom às sextas e sábados.
This is an open, Portuguese language meeting, focusing on Book study and the Twelve Steps and 12 Tools of Debtors Anonymous.
This group has five separate meetings: on WhatsApp on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday and on Zoom on Friday and Saturday.

Information last updated April 18 2024

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