East Valley New Hope Debtors Anonymous
Closed D.A. meeting #816018Meeting focus: Literature Study, Speaker, Steps, Tools, NewcomerHybrid meeting: Video, Phone*Hybrid meeting: 2 ways to participatePrimary language: English
Video venue
Video originates in Arizona / Maricopa US
(10:00 am to 11:00 am local time)
Mountain Standard Time (AZ) timezone
Video platform: ZOOM
Link (click to connect): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88652693869?pwd=VGVYcEhERmd0K3dOY2dzZDlMUTc3dz09
Meeting ID: 886 5269 3869
Password: 847658
Telephone venue
Phone originates in Arizona / Maricopa USA
(10:00 am to 11:00 am local time)
Mountain Standard Time (AZ) timezone
Dialup number: (+1) 669 900 6833
Access code: 847658
Email for information: RhynoCoDA@gmail.com
DIal in USA Phone Number 669 900 6833 - Code/PIN/Password: 847658. ZOOM Link should not require a PIN. We do not have a physical address and we do not meet in person as of yet. Please list this meeting in Arizona.
Information last updated January 31 2024