Jardins Online
Open D.A. meeting #7854Meeting focus: Speaker, Steps, Tools, NewcomerPrimary language: Portuguese
Email/Chat venue
(08:30 am to 10:30 am local time)
Brazil Time timezone
Subscription/Signup info: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CEgCTwS6uHn5sEoGqAhDq7
Access info: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CEgCTwS6uHn5sEoGqAhDq7
Este é um encontro aberto, em língua portuguesa, com foco no estudo do Livro e nos Doze Passos e 12 Ferramentas dos Devedores Anônimos.
This is an open, Portuguese language meeting, focusing on Book study and the Twelve Steps and 12 Tools of Debtors Anonymous.
Este grupo tem cinco encontros distintos: no WhatsApp às terças, quartas e domingos e no Zoom às sextas e sábados.
This group has five separate meetings: on WhatsApp on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday and on Zoom on Friday and Saturday.
Information last updated April 18 2024